One-Stop Sexual Health Clinic in Mt. Pleasant and East Lansing – Safe Health

Women holding Magnifying glass focusing the text Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

If you suspect you have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or have been exposed to chlamydia, HIV, or gonorrhea, testing and treatment are important. Safe Health Center is a Dermatology clinic in Mt. Pleasant and East Lansing, Michigan offers compassionate care, and onsite STD testing and treatment. For STD testing and treatment, call, walk-in, or schedule an appointment online. For more information, visit our website.

Published by Simple Tank Services

The other outcome is encountering groundwater. If we’re excavating the contaminated soil and the excavation starts to suddenly fill up with water because we’re very close to a river or a lake or a stream, the State of New Jersey will require that we investigate, put a well in, and test that groundwater.

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